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Strong character development is a hallmark of After Y2K. This page features the main characters of the strip with links to their first appearances. Many of the characters have "Getting to knows...", which are entire comics devoted to biography of the character. And be sure to check out the Cameos page too, for look at some of the famous geeks that have found their way into After Y2K.
The GeekThe Geek
A coder of rather dubious reputation, the Geek prepared for Y2K by moving to the country. Unfortunately, escaping his own buggy personality will not be so easy!

Geek make-over (Shockwave)
The Techno-Talking Babes
Brandy, Bambi, Fawn, and Dawn...
These geeky chicks met each other at a Linux User Group meeting, while completing their doctorates at MIT. Since then, they have been the best of friends! Each of their respective fields was hit hard by the Y2K bug, so now they're busy developing new alternative technologies to help rebuild civilization. Their natural habitat... the pool. first appearance
Degrees in Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Science, and a Licensed Masseuse. Doctoral Thesis: The need for Socio-Ethical Responsibility in Genetic Research. When not in the lab, Brandy enjoys hang gliding, horsebackriding, canoeing, coding, and chess! Favorite Geek: Spock, David Suzuki
Degrees in Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Science Fiction. Doctoral Thesis: The Practical Applicaions of Warp Drive. Enjoys birding, riding her bicycle, and model rocketry! Favorite Geek: Stephen Hawking.
Degrees in Astronomy, Theoretical Physics, and Exobiology. Doctoral Thesis: Cometary Events: Agents of Planetary Evolution. Enjoys making her own lava lamps and stereoscopic photography! Favorite Geeks: David Levy, Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker.
Fawn Dress-up (Flash)
Degrees in Engineering, Physics, Electronics, Computer Science. Doctoral Thesis: Applying Nanotechnology to Cold Fusion. Hobbies: Ant farms, building space ships in a bottle, and developing her own OS! Favorite Geek: Arthur C. Clarke, Favorite Soap: The Young and the Restless.
A neighbour of the Geek, Relic grew up without any of the modern conveniences, like elack-tricklety, or com poo turds. Call him a redneck, but that mountain man from Hicksville, trained from boyhood in the fine art of hunt'n and track'n, sure plays a mean Quake! first appearance
After a wild New Year's Eve blow out, Dude awoke to find himself somewhere in the wilderness, with no recollection as to how he got there, or who he was. Eventually he found his way to Kurt's and decided it was "as good as anyplace to flop". Although still rebuilding his neural networks, he is currently building an empire trafficking in After Y2K's most valuable commodity... coffee!. first appearance
The Aliens
A mysterious and unknown force in the After Y2K Universe... where do they come from, what are their motives, and are they really Nitrozac's Puppetmasters?
first appearance
Creator of After Y2K and one of the hardest working cartoonists in this or any other Cartoon Existence! first appearance
The First Four
The Original TTB's, they worked on the ENIAC project, as well as dabbled in a bit of time travel on the side.
The Sys Admin
Degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. On hiring day Microsoft pulled up in their limos, and she thought, "hey, what the hell", and signed up. She used to run the Microsoft Soul Sucking Booth at Post Apocalyptic Tech Shows, (It's one of the highest paying positions, and one that demands a rather discrete individual). She now works for Tubes. first appearance
The Delivery Guy
He seems like a nice fellow, but is there evil underneath that plastic smile? Hobbies include breeding gerbils and collecting CEOs.
The Ghost of Ada Byron
Ada Byron is perhaps best known as the first computer programmer. She worked with Charles Babbage, writing about and working on his Analytical Engine. Together, the pair also came up with what they considered an "infallible system" for beating the odds at the horse races... oops, not so infallible! Ada goes by the handles "The Enchantress of Numbers", "Princess of Parallelograms", and "Lady Lovelace". first appearance
The Ghost of Charles Babbage
Inventor of the world's first mechanical computer. Charles was somewhat miffed at the whole microprocessor thing, but had a good laugh at the stroke of midnight Dec 31st 1999.
The genius Visionary who foresaw the Geek Apocalypse, and developed an oasis of new technology and the center for recovering geeks. Quiet and somewhat moody, he finds solace in the poetry of user manuals. Currently missing. first appearance
Simon the Teddy Bear
The Geek's confidant since high school, Simon has also been known to battle giant Blow-up Dolls above the skyline of Las Vegas, or project images on walls when called upon. first appearance
The Techno-Talking Tube Twins
These two beauties worked with Tubes on the Rock n'Roll Circuit, than later in a t-shirt shop. Best known for their excellent technical support of Fender Blond Twin amps.
Bill Gates
The World's Richest Man™ couldn't escape the Y2K bug. ...he's stuck in his bathroom!

first appearance
Seen here both as a young man and as an old man, he's a big vacuum tubes advocate, and considers everything else pretty much "crap", especially those horrible transistors! first appearance
marthaMartha Stewart
A successful Tribe Lord and Y2K survivalist, Lord Stewart has but one wish... to be recognized as a geek by the geek community. Despite the Destruction of Civilization, she still has time for the little things that really perk up a decor. first appearance
prairiePrairie Dogs
Form a vast and highly developed society beneath the desert floor. Genetically enhanced to crave geek meat. first appearance
Be sure to check out the Cameos of After Y2K!

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